Let’s start mentioning that a CMS is a content creation and administration system, which consists of a management area (back-end) and a content display area for the user ( front-end) integrated.
WordPress is initially programmed in PHP for both the back-end and front-end, but it turns out that with the incorporation of the WordPress REST API, it can serve as a data manager, regardless of the interface or the programming language used to build the front-end. This way. data flows between both systems, communicating through the API endpoints.

Let’s talk about the advantages
1. The front-end can be built with new technologies
Front-end technologies like React JS, Vue JS, and Angular JS are increasing their popularity.
- These technologies will give you faster performance and are easy to maintain.
- Front-end developers can choose what to do with back-end data.
- Site appearance can be redesigned without having to modify the database
2. Improved loading speed and optimization
The logic of displaying data is shifted to the client-side. This can increase speed considerably.
3. Easier multidevice connections
Imagine you have different platforms built in different languages. All of them can communicate with WordPress through the REST API. That way you just have to update content once. Amazing, right?
4. Security
The back-end and front-end are now separated and this will be harder for malwares to attack your data as it’s a lot more hidden.
Thanks to the use of the REST API and the imagination of developers , tons of possibilities have been opened for WordPress to continue growing, providing solutions to all kinds of needs, even integrated and sharing space and service with other systems.
So, if you want to go Headless, get in touch today and ensure your site is up to date with the newest technologies available.