Create smart tags for post taxonomy tags to be used in WP Forms 🙂
* Create Post Tags Smart Tags.
* @link
function wpf_dev_register_user_profile_smart_tags ( $tags ) {
// Key is the tag, item is the tag name.
$tags[ 'wp_post_tags' ] = 'Post Tags';
return $tags;
add_filter( 'wpforms_smart_tags', 'wpf_dev_register_user_profile_smart_tags', 10, 1 );
* Process the User Smart Tags from the tags taxonomy
* @link
function wpf_dev_process_user_profile_smart_tags( $content, $tag ) {
if ( 'wp_post_tags' === $tag ) {
$wp_post_tag = get_the_tags();
foreach($wp_post_tag as $wp_post_tags) {
return $wp_post_tags->name;
$content = str_replace( '{wp_post_tags}', $wp_post_tag, $content );
return $content;
add_filter( 'wpforms_smart_tag_process', 'wpf_dev_process_user_profile_smart_tags', 10, 2 );